We are looking for people to work as agents for us.

BT mobile customer services can be contacted on 225 from your BT mobile or 0034 611 128 225 from other numbers or overseas.
The answerphone facility is activated on receipt of your line. To access the answerphone services please call 176 from your BT mobile or 0034 611 176 176 from other numbers or overseas. There is no cost of this call from a BT mobile to the answerphone.
Your SIM comes with International calls enabled but with roaming disabled. If you would like to enable roaming please contact BT mobile customer services. The costs for roaming can be consulted by dialling (0034) 611 683 527
In order to use data services (MMS, email, mobile internet, etc.) you need to have contracted the data services with us as well as that your mobile phone is correctly configured with the parameters of BT. In this section we will help you to do this in an easy way and free of charge.
If you have any doubts or need any help with the configuration, please contact us at 225 and we will be pleased to help you.
Set-up of internet access
In order to set-up the parameters of internet you have to follow the following steps:
1. Follow the sequence in the menu: Start -> Configuration -> Connection -> GPRS -> Menu -> Add
2. In the section “Description” please enter: Internet
3. Fill in the following field with the data: